The 3.8 M Antenna System can be used as receive only / Rx-Tx in a wide applications. The Antenna is used as VSAT for DAMA, TDMA applications in C, Ext - C & Ku Bands and as hub station to support number of VSAT's.
The reflector comed in 3 versions. First one is a Prime Focus of Aluminium reflector with prime focus feed, the second one with Gregorian feed and the Third one OFFSET type with 4 segment GFRP reflector. The Antenna mount also comes in 2 versions, penetrating type, mostly used in ground installations and the other Non-penetrating type, which can be mounted on the roof tops or on the ground. Cement concrete ballast of about 2000Kgs are to be placed over the base to resist uplift forces. For hub applications, Gregorian configuration is supplied which has high efficiency and better performance over the normal VSAT Antennas.
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